Contact Info for Specialist Children's Services in NHSGGC

Specialist Children's Services are based across NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde. You can find contact details for services below.

Specialist Children's Services within NHSGGC

There are a number of Health and Care Partnerships in NHSGGC. Specialist Children's Services are provided by Specialist Community Paediatric Teams and Child and Adolescent Mental Health Teams. Please find below all addresses and telephone numbers for your specific area within NHSGGC:

If you need the assistance of an interpreter to make a telephone call to an NHSGGC service please click here for more information.

Specialist Community Paediatric Teams

Bridgeton Child Centre
201 Abercromby Street
G40 2DA
Telephone Number: 0141 531 6550

Bridgeton covers East Glasgow. If you live in the following postcodes this will be the centre you attend: G1, G4, G31, G32, G33, G34, G40, G69, G71.

Woodside Health & Care Centre
891 Garscube Road
G20 7ER

Telephone Number: 0141 201 5665

Woodside covers North Glasgow and part of East Dunbartonshire. If you live in the following postcodes this will be the centre you attend: G20, G21, G22, G23, G33, G64, G65, G66.

West Centre
60 Kinfauns Drive
G15 7TS

Telephone Number: 0141 207 7100

The West Centre covers West Glasgow and part of East Dunbartonshire. If you live in the following postcodes this will be the centre you attend: G3, G4, G11, G12, G13, G14, G15, G61, G62.

Gorbals Health & Care Centre
2 Sandiefield Road
G5 9AB

Telephone number: 0141 201 5030

Gorbals covers South Glasgow and East Renfrewshire. If you live in the following postcodes this will be the centre you attend: G5, G41, G42, G43, G44, G45, G46, G51, G52, G53, G76, G77, G78.

Skylark Centre
L North
Inverclyde Royal Hospital
PA16 0XN

Telephone Number: 01475 505140

Skylark covers Inverclyde. If you live in the following postcodes this will be the centre you attend: PA13, PA14, PA15, PA16, PA18, PA19.

Aranthrue Centre
103 Paisley Road

Telephone Number: 0141 886 5921

Aranthrue covers Renfrewshire. If you live in the following postcodes this will be the centre you attend: PA1, PA2, PA3, PA4, PA5, PA6, PA7, PA8, PA9, PA10, PA11, PA12.

Acorn Centre
Vale of Leven Hospital
Main Street
G83 0UA

Telephone Number: 01389 817367

Acorn covers West Dunbartonshire. If you live in the following postcodes this will be the centre you attend: G60, G81, G82, G83.

Please see below for contact details of your local Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS):

If you need the assistance of an interpreter to make a telephone call to an NHSGGC service please click here for more information.

Templeton Business Centre
62 Templeton Street
G40 1DA

Telephone Number: 0141 277 7515

Woodside Health and Care Centre
891 Garscube Road
G20 7ER

Telephone Number: 0141 201 5640

New Gorbals Health and Care Centre
2 Sandiefield Road
G5 9AB

Telephone Number: 0141 201 5031

The West Centre
60 Kinfauns Drive
Glasgow G15 7TS

Telephone Number: 0141 207 7100

Barrhead Health Centre
213 Main Street
G78 1SW

Telephone Number: 0141 800 7886

Greenock Health and Care Centre
Wellington Street
PA15 4NH

Telephone Number: 01475 495500

Aranthrue Centre
103 Paisley Road

Telephone Number: (direct to CAMHS) 0141 314 8981
Telephone Number: (Aranthrue Centre) 0141 886 5921

The Acorn Centre
Vale of Leven Hospital
Main Street
G83 0UA

Telephone Number: 01389 817 324

Advice Lines

Occupational Therapy, Physiotherapy and Speech and Language Therapy run weekly advice lines for parents/carers or anyone working with children and young people. See below for advice line details available in your area.

East Dunbartonshire Area Weekly Advice Lines:


Occupational Therapy
Tuesdays 1:30pm-4pm 0141 531 6536
Fridays 9:30am-12noon 0141 531 6536


Wednesday 1pm-3pm 0141 201 5715


Speech and Language Therapy
Wednesday 1pm-4pm 0141 211 6056
Friday 9:30am-11:30am 0141 531 6843

If for any reason the advice line is not running, please try again next week.

East Renfrewshire Area Weekly Advice Lines:


Speech and Language Therapy
Wednesday 10am-1pm 0141 800 7121

Occupational Therapy
Tuesdays 1:30pm-4pm 0141 531 6536
Fridays 9:30am-12noon 0141 531 6536


Thursday 12noon-2pm 0141 201 5212

If for any reason the advice line is not running, please try again next week.

Glasgow City Area Weekly Advice Lines:


Occupational Therapy
Tuesdays 1:30pm-4pm 0141 531 6536
Fridays 9:30am-12noon 0141 531 6536


Glasgow City North Wednesday 1pm-3pm 0141 201 5715
(North areas included postcodes: G1-G4, G11-G15, G20-G23, G31-G34, G40, G60-G69, G71)

Glasgow City South Thursday 12noon-2pm 0141 201 5212
(South area includes postcodes: G5, G41-G46, G51-G53, G76-78)


Speech and Language Therapy
Wednesday 1pm-4pm 0141 211 6056
Friday 9:30am-11:30am 0141 531 6843

If for any reason the advice line is not running, please try again next week.

Inverclyde Area Weekly Advice Lines:


Monday 10am-12pm 01475 505198


Speech and Language Therapy
Wednesday 12:30pm-4pm 01475 506150


Occupational Therapy
Thursday 9:30am-12noon 0141 314 4624

If for any reason the advice line is not running, please try again next week.

Renfrewshire Area Weekly Advice Lines:


Tuesday 11am-1pm 0141 314 4624


Speech and Language Therapy
Wednesday 10am-12noon 0141 314 4624


Occupational Therapy
Thursday 9:30am-12noon 0141 314 4624


If for any reason the advice line is not running, please try again next week.

West Dunbartonshire Area Weekly Advice Lines:


Speech and Language Therapy
Tuesday 11am-1pm 01389 828265
Thursday 11am-1pm 0141 562 8862

Occupational Therapy
Tuesdays 1:30pm-4pm 0141 531 6536
Fridays 9:30am-12noon 0141 531 6536

Thursday 2pm-4pm 01389 817 246

If for any reason the advice line is not running, please try again next week.