Paediatric Physiotherapy

Greater Glasgow and Clyde (NHSGGC)

Click on the sections below for quick access to each area or scroll down the page to see all the content.

What is Physiotherapy?

Children’s physiotherapy is the management and care of babies, children and young people from birth to 18 years or school leaving age (some young people may be directed to adult services as appropriate).
Physios work together with children, young people, their families and others involved in their care. They support children and young people to reach their physical potential.
All NHS Physiotherapists are registered with Health & Care Professionals Council (HCPC).

Who is in the Physiotherapy Team?

The Physiotherapy Team is made up of Physiotherapists and Physiotherapy Clinical Support Workers. If needed the child/young person will be allocated to a named Physiotherapist. This Physiotherapist will help to support you and your child/young person. They will work alongside the team around your child/young person.
Physiotherapy Clinical Support Workers work with children, young people and the team around them to carry out the agreed plan. Any intervention will take place in the most appropriate setting.
With your consent, a Physiotherapy student may also be involved. The student will be supervised by your child/young person's Physiotherapist.

What do Paediatric Physiotherapists do?

Physiotherapists will listen to what matters to you and your child/young person. We will discuss any concerns and work together to work out if and how Physiotherapy can help. We will work together with others to support your child/young person's health and wellbeing. We aim to work in the most appropriate environment for you and your child/young person. This could include:
  • Child centres
  • Out-patient clinics
  • Hospitals
  • Homes
  • Nurseries
  • Schools
  • Local leisure centres
Physiotherapists can help with a wide range of conditions, motor development and acute illness and injury.

The following sections are designed to give you more information about common concerns and how physiotherapists can help you and your child to manage their condition.

Children's Physiotherapy Advice Line

The Children's Physiotherapy Service have an advice line where parents/carers, health visitors, education staff, social care staff or other health professionals can seek advice and support for children and young people who have difficulty with movement or delayed motor development. This can affect physical development, activity in play, learning and socialisation.

Areas that we can help with include:

  • A child not achieving their motor milestones, eg rolling, sitting up, standing, walking.
  • A child who has walking or balance difficulties.
  • Some areas out with Glasgow city may also offer advice regarding children injuries, joints and muscle problems.

A Children's Physiotherapist is available to answer your questions at a dedicated time for your area. Please see below for the phone number, times and further information on the service available in your area.

If you need the assistance of an interpreter to make a telephone call to an NHSGGC service please visit Interpreting Services for more information.

West Dunbartonshire Advice Line

For Advice on Children and Young People's:

  • Development
  • Joint and muscle conditions
  • Injuries

Call the advice line.


Opening Hours

Thursday 2pm-4pm

Telephone Number: 01389 817 246

North Glasgow and East Dunbartonshire Advice Line

Are you worried about your child;

  • Having balance problems
  • Not achieving their milestones, for example not rolling over, not sitting up, not walking?

Call the advice line.


Opening Hours

Glasgow City North Wednesday 1-3pm
Telephone Number: 0141 201 5715

North areas included postcodes: G1-G4, G11-G15, G20-G23, G31-G34, G40, G60-G69, G71

South Glasgow / East Renfrewshire Advice Line

Are you worried about your child;

  • Having balance problems
  • Not achieving their milestones, for example not rolling over, not sitting up, not walking?

Call the advice line.


Opening Hours

Glasgow City South Thursday 12-2pm
Telephone Number: 0141 201 5212

 South area includes postcodes: G5, G41-G46, G51-G53, G76-78

Renfrewshire Advice Line

If you are a parent or carer living in Renfrewshire and have queries or concerns regarding your child's movement, please call the advice line.


Opening Hours

Tuesday 11am-1pm
Telephone Number: 0141 314 4624

Inverclyde Advice Line

Are you worried about your child having:

  • On-going aches and pains and injuries
  • Walking difficulties
  • Balance problems
  • Problems reaching their milestones, for example: rolling over, sitting up, not walking yet

Call the advice line.


Opening Hours

Monday 10am-12pm

Telephone Number: 01475 505198

How Do We Contact A Physiotherapist

If your child has already been referred to the service and you wish to contact the physiotherapy department directly, please use the tabs below for more detailed information.

If you need the assistance of an interpreter to make a telephone call to an NHSGGC service please click here for more information.

Acorn Centre

3rd Floor

Maternity Building

Vale of Leven Hospital


G83 0UA

Telephone Number: 0141 207 7100


West Centre

60 Kinfauns Drive


G15 7TS

Telephone Number: 0141 207 7100


Woodside Health & Care Centre

891 Garscube Road


G20 7ER

Telephone Number: 0141 201 5665

Bridgeton Child Centre

201 Abercromby Street


G40 2DA

Telephone Number: 0141 531 6550

Gorbals Health & Care Centre

2 Sandiefield Road


G5 9AB

Telephone Number: 0141 201 5196

Aranthrue Centre

03 Paisley Road



Telephone Number: 0141 314 8995

Skylark Centre

L North

Inverclyde Royal Hospital


PA16 0XN

Telephone Number: 01475 505 198

Royal Hospital for Children (RHC)

Acute Paediatric Physiotherapy Services

Clinic 12

1345 Govan Road


G51 4TF

Telephone Number: 0141 452 4650