Neurological Conditions Postural Care

Greater Glasgow & Clyde

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Postural Care

Posture is how we position our body when we sit, lie, stand and move. Posture affects a lot more than just your spine. We all need to look after our posture throughout the day and night. This is to avoid joint and muscle changes described here as body shape changes. Looking after our posture can help avoid acute and chronic pain. It also helps maintain good general health and well-being.

Postural care is vital to the health and wellbeing of children who experience movement difficulties. You can find out more information on the impact of body shape change in the next section.

Click here for the Your Child's Posture Matters Leaflet from NHS GG&C.

So What Is Postural Care?

Postural care describes a 24-hour approach to protecting a person’s body shape


Postural care isn’t one thing, it isn’t something that is done to you, your child/young person.  It is a toolbox of knowledge and interventions to promote health and wellbeing.



This toolbox can include:

  • Activity.
  • Therapeutic positioning handling.
  • Use of equipment such as specialist seating, wheelchairs, standing frames, night-time positioning aids.
  • Ability to educate others on postural care.
  • Training resources to promote care awareness.

The main goal is for everyone involved with your child to have an understanding of the importance of postural care. 



In this PAMIS video, you can listen first-hand to families discussing the positive impact of postural care.

Taking a multiagency team approach with your child at the centre ensures the best approach to their care.  Regular review is vital to meet any changes in your child's needs.


Making people aware of good postural care improves quality of life and can in some extreme circumstances be lifesaving. It is never too late to start protecting and restoring body shape changes.
- Death by Indifference – Mencap 2007

Tommy's Story

Have a look at the YouTube video of “Tommy’s Story”.  At 42 his carers started a 24-hour postural care approach to his care.  The changes for Tommy are life-changing and almost definitely lifesaving.


If you know someone who experiences

  • Difficulty moving

  • Adopts non-symmetrical postures

  • Has altered muscle tone and/or strength

Then the next few pages could be of interest to you

Postural Care Strategy for Scotland - Your Posture Matters

June saw the launch of ‘Your Posture Matters’ in collaboration with Promoting a More Inclusive Society (PAMIS).

It is including

  • A strategy with guiding ambitions and recommendations.
  • A learning framework to support educational development.
  • A suite of resources in the form of promotional booklets and posters to support a greater understanding of protecting people’s posture.

‘Your Posture Matters’ is the culmination of 4 years working alongside carers and health practitioners across Scotland.

The strategy puts people with movement difficulties at the centre of their postural care plan and ensures that they are getting the right information, support and equipment at the right time to protect their posture.

When someone has a movement difficulty caused by an injury, disability or age it becomes more difficult to freely adjust their position. Their body will move in less symmetrical movement patterns leading to weakness and asymmetry of different parts of the body.

It is important to understand how distorted someone’s body shape can become if the correct interventions are not put in place. This distortion can have a life-threatening and life-limiting impact:

  • Difficulties with breathing, eating and drinking.
  • Experience of pain.
  • And high risk of pressure care are just some of the complications.

‘Your Posture Matters’ aims to inspire service provision across Scotland to work together; a collective ambition to minimise body shape distortion for all individuals with a movement difficulty.

Please click here for further information on the strategy, resources, blogs and vlogs and online toolkit.