How Body Shape Changes Occur

Greater Glasgow and Clyde

How do Body Shape Changes Occur?

All children and young people who experience

  • Altered muscle tone.
  • Reduced muscle strength.
  • Reduced voluntary movement.
  • An inability to adjust their own position.

Are all at risk of body shape changes.


These changes occur when children’s postures are unsupported due to three main factors:


Sometimes the brain cannot control the muscles of the body and the muscles can be floppy, this is low tone. More often the muscles can be tight, this is high tone or spasticity. If someone is in the same unsupported posture for a long time or is unable to move out of a damaging posture this can result in a change of body shape.


Gravity produces a downward pressure or “squashing effect” on the body. If your child stays in one position for too long, the effects of gravity will become more obvious. These changes may become long-lasting and lead to permanent body shape changes.


Growth is a challenge for many children and young people. When bones grow, soft tissues structures have to stretch to catch up. Without opportunities to stretch and move, muscles can become tight and restricted.

Tone, gravity and growth can cause children and young people to be stuck in unsupported postures. These unsupported/damaging postures (non-symmetrical) result in body shape changes. Body shape changes have a much more widespread impact than just physical concerns.

Please see the video from PAMIS discussing what causes body shape changes below.

The best defence against body shape change is movement and regular changes of position. This allows the body to counter the effects of gravity and inactivity thereby protecting body shape.