Positioning and Equipment

Greater Glasgow and Clyde

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Positioning and Equipment

The best defence against body shape changes is movement or change of position. Every child is different and requires individual advice, support and equipment. Your child’s therapy team will be happy to support you with this. Some of the benefits/reasons for different positional equipment are discussed in the section below.

The aim is for your child to symmetrical and supported throughout the day and night. This means they will be comfortable whatever piece of equipment they may be using.

A few questions to ask yourself….

  • How long has my child/young person been in one position?
  • Do they look symmetrical and supported?
  • Do I need to seek help to ensure appropriate support/equipment?
  • Is there any part of my child/young person’s 24 hour day that I can improve their position?

Standing Frames

Supportive standing can have many benefits on your child’s health and well-being. It is not always appropriate for every child to be standing. There are various types of standing frames available. Please discuss with your child’s physiotherapist for more information about supported standing.

For more information on the benefits of standing please click here

Specialist Seating

Children with postural care needs can spend from 33% to 50% of their day sitting. It is vital to ensure your child is well supported in sitting to reduce the risk of body shape changes. There are various types of seating available depending on your child's needs.

Discuss with your child’s Occupational Therapist for more information on specialist seating.

Discuss with a Westmarc therapist for information on wheelchair seating.

Supine Lying – Lying on your back

Children with postural care needs can spend from 33% to 50% of their day in a lying position!

Anytime your child is lying, the aim is for them to be symmetrically and supported. Altered tone, muscle strength and gravity can have an impact on your child's body shape, even in lying. It is important to prevent them from being pulled into damaging postures.

Various pieces of equipment can be used to support your child in lying. This equipment will depend on the activity and the environment your child is working in. These include wedges, Acheeva beds, squiggles systems, pillows, sleep systems (see below).

Please click here for more information on the benefits of supported supine lying 

Sleep Systems

Sleeping is the longest time we spend in one place during a 24 hour period. Sleep systems are postural support systems that contain one or more parts.  These may include a variety of brackets, rolls, wedges and custom supports. There are various types of sleep systems available. For more information please discuss with your child’s Physiotherapist.

Please click here for more information on the benefits of sleep systems 

Side-lying Equipment

Some schools have access to side-lying boards, Acheeva beds. These pieces of equipment allow a child to spend time supported on their side for various classroom activities. It is important that your child is supported and symmetrical. For more information please discuss with your child’s Physiotherapist.

Mobility Equipment

For some, supported walking can have many benefits on their health and well-being. There are various types of mobility/walking aids available.  For more information please discuss with your child’s Physiotherapist.

Please click here for more information on the benefits of mobility