Ball Skills Videos


Ball Skills Videos

These videos will help with catching, throwing and kicking.  This will help your child to join in with ball games, P.E, sports and playing with their friends at school and after school when restrictions are lifted.

Click here for more information on general hints and tips, grading and activity ideas for ball skills.

Throwing to a Target

Throwing is the easiest ball skill.  Start with a bean bag and a flat target.  See the video on how to make a bean bag if you don't have one at home.  If this is too hard practice rolling a ball to a goal or to knock down skittles.  Make it harder by throwing a bean bag or ball into a box.  Start close to the target and have your child move further away.   


Start by standing close to your child and throw a bean bag or large ball to them to catch with two hands.  As your child makes progress increase the distance between you and try a smaller ball.  Once they have mastered catching with two hands practice catching with one hand.  Again start with a bean bag and then move to a tennis ball.  

Bouncing and Catching

Now try bouncing the ball to your child.  Start with a large ball and two hands and move to a small ball and one hand.  You can also increase the distance between you to make it harder.

Kicking a Ball

Start by kicking a ball to your child and have them stop the ball with their foot.  Move on to kicking the ball back and forth using the inside of the foot.  They can then practice dribbling.

Homemade Beanbag

For activities that require beanbags why not try making your own homemade beanbag. See the video below for how to make your own sock beanbag.

How to Make

Materials: Sock & Beans/Lentils/Rice/Barley

Note: In the video children’s socks sized 9-12 are used, but any regular socks can be used. It will just change the size of the bean bags slightly.

a. Turn sock inside out.

b. Tie a knot just below the heel line.

c. Turn sock back the right side showing.

d. Fill the sock with beans, lentils, rice or barley.

      e. Leave enough room at the top to tie a tight knot and it’s finished.

Tip: Tighten the topknot every now and again, and for a safe guard, also use a hair band under the knot for a double fastening.