Balance Activity Sheet

This sheet contains activities which can help your child to develop their static and dynamic balance

Balance Activity Sheet

This sheet contains activities which can help your child to develop their static and dynamic balance.


Static Balance

Static balance is the ability to maintain your balance when stationary.

Activity Ideas

  • Standing on One Leg

Count and keep a record for fun then change legs (stork balance).

  • Resistant Statues

Four Point Kneeling - Ask your child to position themselves on all fours ensuring arms, hips and knees are angled at 90o. Once in position encourage your child to resist your touch when your attempt to gently push them over, by advising them to tense their muscles.

High Kneeling - Ask your child to adopt high kneeling position with knees bent and shins against the floor and upper body in an upright position. Once in position encourage your child to resist your touch when your attempt to gently push them over, by advising them to tense their muscles.

Half High Kneeling - Ask you child to adopt kneeling position with one knee bent and shin against the floor and opposing knee bent and held in front of the body with foot touching the floor. Once in position encourage your child to resist your touch when you attempt to gently push them over, by advising them to tense their muscles. Repeat by changing the leg positioned in front of the body.

Step up - Using a step, ask your child to place one foot onto the step with their other foot positioned on the ground. Once in position encourage your child to resist your touch when you attempt to gently push them over, by advising them to tense their muscles.


Dynamic Balance

Dynamic balance is the ability to maintain your balance when mobile.

Activity Ideas

  • Animal Walks

    Ask your child to imitate a series of animals walks, this can be made more challenging by incorporating within obstacle course. Some of the animal walks which can be replicated are described below:


Monkey - Ask your child to walk on all fours, with feet and hands making contact with the floor.

Crab - Ask your child to sit with their bottom on the floor and hands placed on the floor by their sides. Ask your child to raise their bottom from the floor, and walk sideways using their feet to step.

Seal (Commando Crawling) – Ask your child to lie on their tummy and ask them to prop themselves up onto their elbows, with their legs fully extended throughout movement.

Frog - Ask your child to lie on their tummy and by bending at knees and elbows, ask them to move like a frog.

  • Musical Statues

    Ask you child to move around the room to music – the idea is that when the music stops you also stop and be as still as you can.

  • Beanbag Balance

    Ask your child to place a beanbag or soft beanie toy on top of their head and ask your child to walk in a straight line whilst attempting to balance the toy of their head. If the child finds this easy create an obstacle course of items that they have to weave around.