Mealtimes are an important aspect of family life. Children begin to develop self-feeding skills from birth. Drinking from a cup is a complex task and takes a number of years to master. Between 2 and 4 months a baby will move it’s hands to the breast/bottle while feeding. Between 6 and 9 months a baby can hold a bottle in both hands. They can often drink from a cup if it is held and tipped for them. By 15 months a child can usually hold a cup with both hands and take a few sips without help. By 18 months they can use a straw and by 3 years a child can drink from a cup without a lid without spilling.
Physically assist your child - Use the hand-over-hand technique by letting your child grasp the cup while you put your hand over the top of their hand to guide them.
Show your child – do the task alongside your child.
Tell your child – talk your child through each step of the process.