Being able to manage your time, energy and resources to do the things you want and need to do every day is important at secondary school and throughout your adult life.
So what are organisation skills?
The ability to:
The first step for any planning or organisation is to work out all the tasks that need to be complete. For each of the tasks asking the 'W' questions can help you work this out:
Sometimes simple, straightforward ideas can help to make life easier, both at home and in school. It may need a bit of trial and error to find out what works for you. Remember that putting in a bit of time and effort now to develop strategies will make your life a whole lot easier.
Time management and good routines help you find the time for all the things you want and need to do. It helps you decide which things are urgent and which can wait. Learning how to manage your time, activities, and commitments can be hard. In the long run it can make your life easier, less stressful, and more meaningful.
Click on the presentation for some strategies and advice.
Organisation starts at home and there are lots of ways you can practice these skills. We have put together some suggestions that you may find useful. Sorry, this does mean you will need to tidy your room!
Everyone has different ways of working. Some people like to have the TV on, or have music playing while they work. Others prefer it to be quiet. Some people can work when there’s a lot going on around them. Others are very easily distracted and need a quiet, clutter free area to be able to concentrate.
It is important to work out the things that you need to help you to study.
Sit down and think about the conditions that you need when you are doing your homework:
Now think about how you might be able to organise things at home to help you work:
If you have difficulty concentrating you might want to try setting up a workstation. This would give you a quiet, clutter free space to work and could be either in school, at home, or both.
What is a workstation?
Which skills do you need to help you to plan your ‘school’ day?
Click on the presentation for some strategies and advice.
To Do List Apps
You may be very familiar with the layout of your primary school and can now find your way around. You feel comfortable in your surroundings. However, you will almost find that your new school is larger.
Most people worry about how they are going to find their way around their new school and getting lost. Don’t worry, everyone will find it difficult to find their new classes at first. You can all help each other to find your way around.
Click on the presentation for some strategies and advice.
If you know that you can sometimes find it difficult to find your way around new places. You can practice your orientation skills by trying out some of the map activities below:
Complete this activity with a friend or family member. Using the school map, can you find your way from P.E to Maths? Try out different journeys and talk through which way you will need to go.
Draw a map of the layout of your home, discuss how you get to certain areas of your home from the front door, how to get around your home, etc.