You may already have your new school timetable. It is very important that you check your timetable as it will tell you things such as:
You will need to change classrooms throughout the day and you need to get to each lesson on time. If you don’t have a watch, it would be a good idea to buy one. If you buy one with an alarm it can remind you of any important times throughout the day. It can also wake you up in the morning!!!
Timetable ActivityYou can work with a friend or family member. Complete this activity using a copy of the black/white timetable - find all the English lessons. How many are there? Now try same with a copy of the coloured timetable. Which timetable was easier? Could this help you with organisation?
Why not try colour coding your own timetable. You could colour code your books, jotters and equipment too to make packing your bag easier. You could also colour code your homework in your planner.
You will have a lot more to take to school so plan ahead and pack your bag the night before! Organising your school bag the night before will save you a lot of time in the morning.
Click here for a downloadable copy of School Bag Checklist.
You may have to cover your exercise books. If not, they will probably all be the same colour. This can make it difficult to find the right book when packing your bag.
Colour coding your books to match your timetable can make things a lot easier when you are packing your bag. You can make up coloured labels to stick onto the spine of your exercise book.
Unless you have an exceptional memory, you will need something to remind you of the jobs you have to do every day.
At secondary school you will have a lot of different subjects to study, and more equipment to take with you each day. A ‘to do’ list or visual planner might help with this.
Most people rely on lists, notes, or diaries to remind them of what needs to be done and when it has to be completed. You will have to use your diary/ planner in school to record which homework you have and when it has to be handed in.
Everyone has different ways of working and no single way suits everyone. We have put together some ideas of visual planners and lists which you may find helpful. Some people prefer a written ‘To do’ list, others may prefer to put up photographs or pictures. You might prefer to use your phone and there are apps that you can use to help.
See some examples of daily planners and weekly planners.
Homework is part of daily life. After the school day having to sit down and do homework can cause stress for all the family. Some people enjoy homework but others can find it frustrating. You will have homework for different subjects, due at different times. It can be hard to keep track and get everything done on time. Having a plan for homework can help. Setting yourself tasks to complete everyday will help make sure you meet deadlines without the need to stay up late to get things finished.
Getting Started
Getting Organised, Have you tried?